∇-Nabla: Numerical Analysis BAsed LAnguage
J.S. Camier, ∇ Update & Potential Collaborative Tools
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Nov. 2016
J.S. Camier, Improving Performance Portability and Software Productivity with the ∇ Numerical Programming Language
Workshop on SW Stack for Next Gen Production Codes, PACT 2015 - San Fransisco, USA, 2015
J.S. Camier, Improving Performance Portability and Exascale Software Productivity with the ∇ Numerical Programming Language
Exascale Applications and Software Conference, EASC15 - Edinburgh, Scotland, 2015.
J.S. Camier, F. Hermeline, A Monotone Non-Linear Finite Volume Method for Approximating Diffusion Operators on General Meshes
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 107, Issue 6, 10 August 2016, Pages 496–519
J.S. Camier, Targeting Next-Generation Software Stacks with the Nabla DSL
Mini-Symposium on Evolution of Co-Design and Scientific HPC Applications, SIAM CSE17, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2017
X. Blanc, J.S. Camier, F. Hermeline and E. Labourasse, Positive schemes for diffusion problems on deformed meshes
Conference on numerical methods and High Performance Computing for Industrial Fluid Flows, SimRace - IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, 2015
J.S. Camier, Improving Performance Portability and Software Productivity with the ∇ Numerical Programming Language
Workshop on SW Stack for Next Gen Production Codes, PACT 2015 - San Fransisco, USA, 2015
J.S. Camier, Improving Performance Portability and Exascale Software Productivity with the ∇ Numerical Programming Language
Exascale Applications and Software Conference, EASC15 - Edinburgh, Scotland, 2015
J.S. Camier, The ∇-Nabla Time-Composite Approach for Multi-Physics Applications Productivity
SIAM Conference on Scientific Engineering, SIAM CSE15 - Salt-Lake City, USA, 2015
J.S. Camier, ∇-Nabla: A numerical-analysis specific language for exascale scientific applications
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, SIAM PP14 - Portland, USA, 2014