∇-Nabla: Numerical Analysis BAsed LAnguage

∇-Nabla: Numerical Analysis BAsed LAnguage

nablaLulesh-512.png pnnnt-512.png nablaSethi-512.png monai-512.png nablaDDFV-512.png nablaMNLDDFV-512.png nablaCoMD-512.png nablaSPH-512.png

HowTo Install

To compile ∇ you will simply need:

  • a C & C++ compiler (at least 4.9.2 is a good start)
  • bison, the parser generator
  • flex, the lexical analyser generator
  • cmake, the Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
  • a nvcc compiler, glibc-compatible with the above compiler

The standard steps for installation are:

  1. Make sure you have a C/C++ compiler
  2. Make sure you have cmake (at least 2.8) on your system
  3. Look at the top Makefile and patch the paths (compiler and cmake)
  4. Look at the top CMake/CMakeTPL.txt and patch the paths (Arcane and Trilinos)
  5. Launch 'make' in here
  6. Test the distribution by typing 'make test'
  7. You can rerun 'make clean/config/install'
  8. Run 'make install' to try to push the nabla binary to /usr/local/bin
  9. To try it by yourself, go for example to: ./build/tests/lulesh/okina/1/run/avx2/omp, and launch: PARALLEL=omp SIMD=avx2 make -kB run1
  10. You can switch mesh size within the Makefile.okina file

For troubleshooting or some common installation problems, please mail me
