∇-Nabla: Numerical Analysis BAsed LAnguage
∇ Presentation
The ∇ domain-specific language (DSL) provides a productive development way for exascale HPC technologies, flexible enough to be competitive in terms of performances.
This software is a computer program whose purpose is to translate specific numerical-analysis sources and generate optimized code for different targets and architectures.
Latest News
Switching from Logical Time to Discret Time
Working from this paper: A Cell-Centered Lagrangian Hydrodynamics Scheme on General Unstructured Meshes in Arbitrary Dimension, ∇ should be able to read:
- New Monai valley test
- SIAM CSE 2017, Atlanta
- New Pennant test
- New Legion/Regent backend
- ∇ update meeting @ LLNL
- , Salt Lake city
- New RAJA backend
- SIAM PP16 Parallel Processing 2016, Paris
- New OKINA AVX512 SIMD backend
- New Kokkos backend
- Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP16), Barcelona
- Publications section Added ∇'s paper in the
- Publications section with EASC15 slides Updated the
- Publications section with SIAM CSE15 slides Updated the
- For a brief description of ∇'s features, you can look at the Overview or the Publications sections
- First prototype #150218 out